Monday, September 22, 2014

Weight Loss-Are You Really READY to Change?

As a nutritionist I work with many different types of clients regarding nutrition but the majority of people seek me out for weight loss. They read my client testimonials and recognize themselves in the writers, especially those that say they've made REAL habit and behavior changes and they will never gain the 20,30, 40 lbs back that they have lost. As their nutritionist and coach, I know what kind of changes those clients made, and I believe that they won't go back to where they started. That's not to say that they won't gain back 4-10lbs, but they won't go beyond that because they've learned how to balance the role that food plays in their life. They see things differently and feel differently about how and WHY they eat. They were READY to come in and do the work and try something different than they had in the past. They were READY to do more than just go on a diet. They were READY to figure out WHY they kept gaining and losing the same weight year after year.

I had an interesting session with a client that I first met in November 2013.  I will refer to her as Client X. X is a professional woman in her 40's. In 7 months she lost 33lbs. It may not sound like a lot in that period of time, but while she was losing the weight she was learning about what was making her overeat and why. Most important, she was learning how to change it. Behavior change doesn't happen over night. She told me in our session today, "I gave myself one year to arrive at whatever it takes and whatever I needed to spend to change. I was tired of doing the same things that were not getting me where I needed to be. I told myself that when we had our sessions I had to be 100% honest with you and that being honest was the only way I could change."

Client X is one of my real success stories. She listened to what I had to say. She was "open" to listening and considered the suggestions I made to her as to why she may always regain the weight. I've worked with clients who, I know, feel like I am judging them. They are not quite ready to admit that just maybe, a behavior they have around food and eating is possibly sabotaging their efforts for permanent weight loss. It's a fine line that I have to walk at times. I refer to my sessions with my clients as "food therapy". The truth is you want to uncover and change what is driving you to overeat, compulsively eat, binge eat etc,. You must explore the underlying factors, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel, to create change. I strongly believe that if you understand the cause of the behaviors/habits they are easier to change. The definition of habit is A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition. In order to develop a new, healthier habit it takes work and practice, practice, practice.

I am happy to report that Client X is now no longer sitting on the couch by herself eating too much take-out. She is running races, climbing stairs, working with a trainer and out often with friends. She rediscovered herself and her life. She is staying within the 4lb. weight range we decided on for her to maintain. She now checks in every 3-4 weeks by phone.

So, are you REALLY READY to change? If you said YES! Contact me for your 20 minute complimentary phone consultation. Let me help you get from where you are now to where you long to be! 

In good health,

Lisa Goldberg MS,CNS,CDN
Nutritionist & Weight Loss Coach

PS...If you are not quite ready, you can start by following me on FACEBOOK for tips on weight loss and go to my website for your FREE copy of my 10 Step Action Plan to Start Losing Weight NOW!

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